Prayer After being “SEEN”

I entrust myself to your love, dear God. You love me in all the dimensions of myself. My confusion, my inadequacy, my desires, my body, my sexuality; even in the darkness of my shame, all my connections and disconnections. I both hold onto and know I must let go of these things, these desires, these consolations; these ways of coping so I can enter the night of being in You where your light dawns. For you are always there within, manifesting your life in this earthen form, longing to exert your love, your grace in the midst of my humaning. You love me Oh great love that I know nothing about! Immersed in your love I Am…. Hidden in your love I am Soul….. Open in your love I am Me….. Known in your love I am Beauty…. Ravished by your love I am Desired…. Held in your love I am Comforted….. Kissed by your love I am Us….. Surrendered to you love i am no more….