Contemplative Experience

Contemplation is a supernatural love and knowledge of God, simple and obscure, infused by Him in the summit of the soul, giving a direct, experiential contact with Him. -Thomas Merton-

Letting my soul come out in this quiet space like a shy animal on a path through the forest at dusk. This longing for connection is answered by integration of the pure experience of love overflowing into the innermost space of being where Divine pathos flames brilliantly like distant suns of starlight finding depths of resonances in my being. A new visage unknown to the flowing current of common existence invites the language of desire in body, breath, birdcall, tree and grass blade to converse. Suddenly She’s here before me! I’m petrified as she leans towards me ravishing away all the mistaken ways I compromise and try to force union on my own. My separated one panics at such naked nearness as she tenderly touches my face, cupping my tears in her hand. Without words the touch says breathe! Breathe the calm darkness of the earth and the light of heaven here in you and me. Look up! Into my eyes—feel my depths lean toward you, love you, know you. My blood calms, as her perfume dissolves into my heart space allowing a new countenance to appear in the reflection of his eyes.