Reflections on Love

If not for the shadows in my own heart, I would not know the measure of your grief. If I could

not see the reflection of love in her eyes, I could not drown in love’s ocean. If there was no

moonlight on the meadow, night’s silver beauty would remain lost. If I were not the river, what

is it that flows in my veins? If not for my dog’s jubilant reception, I would not know how to welcome

this day. If there were no ways into mystery, I would dry up and die like an autumn leaf. If there was

no way to be alone, I would not know the eagle’s joyful solitude. If the story did not appear naked

on my ear, I would not be transformed into my lover’s substance. If I was not held dear to your heart, my roots

could not grow deep into the waiting darkness. If not for the blissful delight of a baby at the breast, I would not

know how you quiet me with your love.

© Mark Williams

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