
Meeting with Mark for spiritual direction has been incredibly life-giving.  He has been a pastor to this pastor, and that has been wonderfully neededl.  His listening ear, caring heart, and insightful feedback have helped me better understand and move past some of the things that regularly hold me back from a deeper, more genuine expression of who I’m called to be in Christ.  I treasure the times of prayer and discussion we’ve had together.  God has spoken to me in some very specific and healing ways during our time together. I highly recommend Mark to anyone looking for a wise, caring, and insightful spiritual director. -JD-

My time in spiritual direction with Mark has been one of the most life-giving practices of my spiritual journey. Having regular, scheduled space for reflection and prayerful listening has helped me notice the movement of the Holy Spirit in times when I would have otherwise missed it. Mark is a trusted companion on my journey! -MEJ-

Before coming to Mark for spiritual direction, I was haunted by the angry God of my judgmental upbringing.  I couldn’t trust due to the underlying belief that God wanted to hurt me.  Again and again, Mark listened to me in non-judgmental presence.  He was like an open window to the real love of God.  Soon I began sensing God’s love everywhere, and discovering that love has helped me more truly love myself and others.  I feel I have grown so much and am living much more authentically. -MS-